The Hidden Cost of Beauty: How Today’s Standards Steal Your Self-Love and Power

I believe 2025 is calling us to go deeper.
A calling for our power, and a yearning to embody it, in this worldly dimension.
A reclamation of our Divine Feminine.
A reconnection with our True Self … and self expression.
However …
There’s an area of our lives that keeps us stuck, daily. A programming that has us entangled in the unhealthy perceptions of how we need to look, what to wear and how we present in this world.
It’s called … Beauty … yet it is not beautiful. It’s dangerous and it’s false. AND it is filled with made up stories that do not have the health and wellbeing of you or me at the core.
Beauty Standards
Today’s beauty standards are nothing more than lies, and designed for other’s commercial gain. And we need to be awake to the damage they are inflicting on ourselves and others. Yet, we are buried so deep in them, we often don’t stop to question their validity.
It’s time to rediscover our own Sovereign Beauty: Our TRUE beauty, and reclaim the truth of our own expression, of our divine thread in the fabric of life.
How did we get here?
As women, we have been targeted to shut off from our own truth, our power and our true beauty, and our clothing has been used to dull our expression.
This appears to be contrary to what we see in this world, which is full of advertisements, standards about how to ‘look beautiful’, yet these are just a distraction keeping us from our true essence of beauty. They have been used as a ploy to numb our power, to disconnect us from our internal authority and create a factory line of conformity in our self-expression.
Every time we adhere to a trend, be it clothes or body related, because we want to be accepted, we reinforce the pattern of outsourcing our power, authority and ‘beauty’ to external forces.
There is another way. And it is more powerful than you could imagine.
I call it … Sovereign Beauty
Sovereign Beauty is the expression of our sovereign self, the eternal essence that dwells within, that has our own blueprint of self expression that lays beneath the societal programming that is designed to void us of our power.
This is deeper work than just our appearance. Yet, because our appearance has been targeted and homogenised, depleting our feminine power and dimming our intuitive abilities, it is necessary to bring ourselves back into coherence in this area of life.
It’s time to rekindle our inner knowing. Light the flicker of the flame that burns so bright within, and ignite our own light, rather than simmer amongst a sea of sameness.
Now is the moment of awakening. Let’s start with coming back to our Essence in our appearance: it is something that is ours to own. It’s an underground movement to regain our power, as the Divine Feminine.
If you feel a deep yearning to feel the freedom of your own self expression, you can book a Discovery Call with me here, and we can explore what is truly holding you back in reclaiming your sovereign beauty and power.
Sarah x
Founder, Wearing Your Worth®
photo credit: Photo by Çağdaş Birsen: